Paris Hilton
Who better to start with then this spoiled scrawny brat. Who is she, what has she done to earn any fame? Actress? Humanitarian? Singer? What I sure as hell dont know. Everywhere she goes she screws up this stupid skinny ugly thing. Why dont she go over to her father establishments and do some drugs there. This bag o bones should be doing 30 years for all her crimes, You would! Stag movies, That should make her family proud seeing her bony ass on video that no guy would hit if she wasnt who she is. Mom defends her and Daddys money get her out of trouble. Hey Hiltons you did a great job! And I blame the Judges who always let her off with almost nothing for her actions. You and I would be on death row. She is making a joke of our entire court system but then the judges are also. Show me a judge with balls and I will show you Paris behind bars. But then maybe the judges HAD to go light as we dont know,but can suspect, there ws some behind the scene deals going on. I sinplie dont see it, no talent, no beauty and most of all no brains. ITOTS this idiot needs some good back home education and to be treated just like you and I would by the courts. What a sick influence on young girls out there who will try the antics she does but end up doing time, unlike she does. Watch your daughters people!
1 comment:
Hey I agree with everything and I cant stand her. I give credit to those place that have banned her like the Wynn in Vegas. I read somewhere that Steve Wynn wont allow her in his classy Hotel and Casino. Now thats a man with balls. He decided that the shit she pulls is not going to go on in his place. Hats off to you Mr.Wynn.
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