Friday, January 28, 2011

Black Entertainment Network BET

Ever notice you never see a white person on BET? If white people started a White Entertainment Network say......WET they would never hear the end of them not having blacks.May even end up being sued!

Remember the Cosby Show.....never seen a white person there either

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Toyota Recall.....Again When Ya Gonna Learn?

America when ya gonna learn to buy and support American products? Do you have to die first? Today is another Toyota recall, this one for fuel leaks I believe. Yet you still keep buying, and supporting this foregin product taking the food out of your own countries mouth and risking the lives of your family. Are you insane? Did you forget that we were attacked by some of these countries you now support? Are we a generation of traitors to our own who have lost their lives fighting to keep us free? Forget the World Wars? Forget China is a commie nation? See if OUR products flood these countries like theirs do here. They wont even buy our products let alone allow most of them. There is nothing like good old American Products and our American Industry is working hard to make them even better and safer. ITOTS Open your eyes damn you! You cant see from the constant recalls that these inferior unsafe products are made to look nice on the outside but inside is cancer. These companies use the art of visual appealing products to lure you into buying and make you forget the recalls and safety problems. Its a selling plot! I am American and I buy only American where possible and the choice of what I drive can be and is American. MY only exception would be, if I make a exception, to buy from a country who has always been throughout history our friends. Think About it!

Teachers Now Days

Wonder why our public schools are so bad now days? There are many reasons but for now lets look at just a few. States are too fast to cut school budgets as we all know. Programs, materials, classes they feel are not needed. Many inferior teachers? Could this be possible? YES! I observed that when that bell rings the teachers are out the door quicker then the students! The days of meeting with your childs teacher after school are over. Parent teacher interactions are just about gone. You have to go through channels today to have a conversation about your child with teachers or staff. Teachers today complain about their paychecks but dont complain with the summer time off, the holidays and various school breaks durring the year. Subtract those days from the year and see how many actual days you work a year. Kids learn in different ways meaning some can read and learn, some listen and learn and some learn by example but todays teachers seem to only educate by one example when all students dont learn the same way.What that means is that if the student cant absorb what that teacher teaches in her one way you child fails and is marked with a learning problem. In the meantime all that child really needed was to be taught in a manner that he understands and it is the responsibility of the teacher to notice this. The teachers should be able to educate in the manner of which the student can understand not in a one way manner of their choice expecting all the students to be the same. ITOTS Teachers should be evaluated and they should be required to take continued education classes, maybe durring the summer recess. If a teacher has a high student failuer rate that has to tell you something! If a student does well with another teacher or in another school THAT has to tell you something! Right away they blame the child when all along it just may have been the teacher! Think about it!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Donate to Who? Troopers and Police?

Let me understand this, your calling me to ask me to donate to Troopers and Police? You mean the SAME who gave me a ticket for driving 2 miles over the speed limit and cost me about 175.00 in fines? Made me late for work? Ruined my day because by accident I went 2 MILES OVER THE SPEED LIMIT!  Had a hard nose "I gots a badge" DuHHHH attitude? You got some balls. I know alot of good cops and if they ever need help I will be the first, as a friend to help out but to give to strange cops who screwed me? FORGET IT. Get my donation from the place I paid my ticket to because you wont get shit from me. Your gonna get MY money if you get a boo boo to feed your family when you just took food outta my families mouth? ITOTS Take a friggin hike dont call me no more. Have a Dunkin D and keep this in mind "Everytime you write a stupid ticket, take a hard nose unforgiving attitude thats one less donation" Y'All Have a Good Day!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Try this the next time you get a contribution call

I hate when I get these calls so I devised a plan. And a word of advice never give phone contribution because they will never stop calling you. One day I got a call from "so and so" asking for money for the third time in three weeks. I was ready for them this time. Here is what I did so pay attention. As soon as they say where they are from you say "Thank God I am so glad you called, are you going to send me the help money to feed my family I asked for ?" They hung up on me but never called again!

Ladies I Have To Tell You

Men hate to hear or worse smell your farts. Hate to see or hear you on the bowl and hate to see your "pads". Not to big on you burping either. Of course men reserve the right to do so.
Thank You For Your Cooperation

Jersey Shore Reality Program

This show pisses me off. Im only going to address the guys here. Here are some spoiled guys who lived in the suberbs getting cars for gifts and going to squeeky clean schools. Lawned homes in nice area of New Jersey trying to pass themselves off as tough guys. Give me a break there is no tough guy in Jersey who grew up like this. Tough guys grew up in the city like Newark where they faced riots and fought all their lives to survive. They hung on street corners and came up the hard way. Street education! These phoney Jersey guys on this programs would get eaten up alive by the true Jersey Guys and they would cry like babies if left alone in the city. And on top of that you never saw a real Jersey Guy treat woman as they do. These kids never struggled for nuttin like real Jersey Guys so America dont believe the Bull Shit these guys talk and act. ITOTS so send em to Newark and lets see how tough they are. They wont be on the next show.

Is there a shortage of Chickens?

Fried egg
I know I know this may be crazy but then so is this entire blog. I didnt know we had a shortage of chickens! Can you imagine such a thing? Must be because I saw eggs go up in price half a buck overnight but the price of chicken in the supermarket was the same. Mate more chickens damn it! Ahhh but guess what that is controlled too to keep the prices high. And they say its because of the massive recall on those bad eggs we had where some inspectors neglected to do his job in protecting the public. How else would it get so far? So the chicken necks lost money on the recall and WE have to suffer because the farmer of these eggs neglected regulations and the inspector neglected to do his job. Bet he got a dozen for free. ITOTS Govt inspectors not doing their jobs and these particular egg farmers compromising the standards and then being allowed to raise prices to make up for their neglect. In reality they lost nothing only we the public did. Lets them take the loss and learn a lesson. There are some farmers who strive to produce following the guideline with integerity but these we speak!

What the Hell did You Say?

Know what pisses me off? Someone who speaks english but speaks it sooooooo bad you have no friggin idea what they said. Its one thing to speak english, and I do give credit to those who learned, but its another to speak it well and understandable. Most of the issues are with Islanders from Haiti, Jamaica etc etc. And the worse part of it is they get involved in healthcare where communication is most important. Nursing homes and medical centers hire them in masses but the patients dont understand a word they are saying even though they are speaking english. The dialect and accents are so thick it make it almost impossible to understand. I have seen nurses and doctors having nothing but problems with communicating with these people who are assisting in the care of your loved ones! See the administration hires them, not the doctors or nurses. And remember minorities get hired before home grown Americans in most cases. Where do you think most of your jobs have gone. Well let me tell you a can sue if because of communication problems you loved one or yourself is harmed in any way because of this. Keep that in mind! ITOTS Make it mandatory to not only speak english and speak it well for the health and safety of people. ITOTS Hire Americans First!

Paris Hilton

Actress Paris Hilton is seen at LAXWho better to start with then this spoiled scrawny brat. Who is she, what has she done to earn any fame? Actress? Humanitarian? Singer? What I sure as hell dont know. Everywhere she goes she screws up this stupid skinny ugly thing. Why dont she go over to her father establishments and do some drugs there. This bag o bones should be doing 30 years for all her crimes, You would! Stag movies, That should make her family proud seeing her bony ass on video that no guy would hit if she wasnt who she is. Mom defends her and Daddys money get her out of trouble. Hey Hiltons you did a great job! And I blame the Judges who always let her off with almost nothing for her actions. You and I would be on death row. She is making a joke of our entire court system but then the judges are also. Show me a judge with balls and I will show you Paris behind bars. But then maybe the judges HAD to go light as we dont know,but can suspect, there ws some behind the scene deals going on. I sinplie dont see it, no talent, no beauty and most of all no brains. ITOTS this idiot needs some good back home education and to be treated just like you and I would by the courts. What a sick influence on young girls out there who will try the antics she does but end up doing time, unlike she does. Watch your daughters people!