Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jersey Shore Reality Program

This show pisses me off. Im only going to address the guys here. Here are some spoiled guys who lived in the suberbs getting cars for gifts and going to squeeky clean schools. Lawned homes in nice area of New Jersey trying to pass themselves off as tough guys. Give me a break there is no tough guy in Jersey who grew up like this. Tough guys grew up in the city like Newark where they faced riots and fought all their lives to survive. They hung on street corners and came up the hard way. Street education! These phoney Jersey guys on this programs would get eaten up alive by the true Jersey Guys and they would cry like babies if left alone in the city. And on top of that you never saw a real Jersey Guy treat woman as they do. These kids never struggled for nuttin like real Jersey Guys so America dont believe the Bull Shit these guys talk and act. ITOTS so send em to Newark and lets see how tough they are. They wont be on the next show.

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