Wonder why our public schools are so bad now days? There are many reasons but for now lets look at just a few. States are too fast to cut school budgets as we all know. Programs, materials, classes they feel are not needed. Many inferior teachers? Could this be possible? YES! I observed that when that bell rings the teachers are out the door quicker then the students! The days of meeting with your childs teacher after school are over. Parent teacher interactions are just about gone. You have to go through channels today to have a conversation about your child with teachers or staff. Teachers today complain about their paychecks but dont complain with the summer time off, the holidays and various school breaks durring the year. Subtract those days from the year and see how many actual days you work a year. Kids learn in different ways meaning some can read and learn, some listen and learn and some learn by example but todays teachers seem to only educate by one example when all students dont learn the same way.What that means is that if the student cant absorb what that teacher teaches in her one way you child fails and is marked with a learning problem. In the meantime all that child really needed was to be taught in a manner that he understands and it is the responsibility of the teacher to notice this. The teachers should be able to educate in the manner of which the student can understand not in a one way manner of their choice expecting all the students to be the same. ITOTS Teachers should be evaluated and they should be required to take continued education classes, maybe durring the summer recess. If a teacher has a high student failuer rate that has to tell you something! If a student does well with another teacher or in another school THAT has to tell you something! Right away they blame the child when all along it just may have been the teacher! Think about it!