Something you may not know about your auto insurance company and rates they charge you. It is "rumored" that auto insurers are charging you more with built in policy adjutments hidden from you. If you noticed over the years many insurers ask you on your applications two new questions. One is "do you have a radar device". If you answer "yes" your rates rise because you are considered a "speeder" or else why would you need one thus putting you in a higher risk area. The second is "do you have a cell phone". This one they place on the standard application just where you would enter your land line home number. This is a deception so as to not be noticed as a "risk" factor. Enter a cell number and your rates rise assuming you talk and/or text while driving even if you dont. Plus each of these devices are consider a theft risk if stolen from your car. These rates are hidden in the policy so you never see them nor are you ever told about them. In many cases even your agent is unaware since today they simply enter your info into a computer and out comes the quote from a master data base already programed for the rate adjustment. If you have a land line use that only and never give them radar information.
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