Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Elections 2012 VIew from a Distance

As I sit here watching the primaries I find my a bit, OK a whole lot, disgusted by the process and what these primaries have turned into. Slander, verbal attacks, mud slinging, character attacks, secrets exposed etc etc. It becomes obvious that everything we are hearing today didn't just happen today and these harsh shocking acts being used against each other were being hidden for a long time by the same parties who are now using them against each other. In my world that ratting on each other so no wonder even politicians don't trust each other. I am not saying the public should not be made aware, what I am saying is why were  these issues not exposed when they happened when perhaps something could have been done about them. A true Politician of the People would expose a situation at the time of its occurrence and move to address it. So what dos this tell us?  We have no real Politicians of the People. All of them held silent of any unjust acts  of other politicians  until such a time they would use them against each other for personal gain. Did they use them to protect the public....a big no. Think about it. When you live in a glass house you really cant throw stones now can you. When you hide issues that effect Americas best interest and allow those who committed these acts to continue in this manner by "turning a temporary nose until you need to use it" you my politician are guilty and are just as guilty as your political rival. There should be no secrets kept from Americans and we are watching.

This will be continued so stay tuned.............God Bless America

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