Can we talk street here, plain English? We have been watching North Korea and it's ruler Kim Jong-Un for a while now. See here is our issue, we have been just watching and listening taking every one of the threats as simple bluffs without any credibility. In the meantime North Korea has made great advances in their nuclear missile weapon developments. Well guess what? The United States is so used to just dismissing and not taking these threats serious that sooner or later were going to find a North Korean Nuke up our ass. You mark our words! The bluff ploy is working just the way Kim John-Un intends it to. These people are not as stupid as our government expects us to believe, they do have have nuclear capabilities now don't they? Bluff, bluff, bluff then Bang just when we least expect it. Ask any card player about "The Bluff".
Sanctions? Give us a break. I don't care how many sanctions that are imposed because not one of them so far has impacted North Korea. What good are sanction if there is no muscle behind it or ever used if ya got it! Here is where North Korea has called our bluff every time. They already know that these are nothing more then idle threats where we will do nothing about enforcement.
Its time America. Are we going to wait for another 911? Are we going to wait until countless Americans die again? That's what our government is doing and it doe's not take a genius to see it. Imagine living in California or Alaska or Hawaii knowing these people have actually declared war on the USA and your in range! In essence this is what they did. Can we continue to overlook this fact? Open you eyes people!
If I lived in any of these area's I would be protesting in the streets for protection via action from our government. These people will attack you and sad as it may sound in order for America to strike is for the North Koreans to strike first and kill a few thousand Americans. Don't take our word for it, just look back at history.
In plain English, American need to kick some ass. Not a man on the ground is needed since we know and can pin point all their missile's and defense's and take em out in a very short period. Maybe we should surprise them and finally enforce those sanctions.
Sanctions? Give us a break. I don't care how many sanctions that are imposed because not one of them so far has impacted North Korea. What good are sanction if there is no muscle behind it or ever used if ya got it! Here is where North Korea has called our bluff every time. They already know that these are nothing more then idle threats where we will do nothing about enforcement.
Its time America. Are we going to wait for another 911? Are we going to wait until countless Americans die again? That's what our government is doing and it doe's not take a genius to see it. Imagine living in California or Alaska or Hawaii knowing these people have actually declared war on the USA and your in range! In essence this is what they did. Can we continue to overlook this fact? Open you eyes people!
If I lived in any of these area's I would be protesting in the streets for protection via action from our government. These people will attack you and sad as it may sound in order for America to strike is for the North Koreans to strike first and kill a few thousand Americans. Don't take our word for it, just look back at history.
In plain English, American need to kick some ass. Not a man on the ground is needed since we know and can pin point all their missile's and defense's and take em out in a very short period. Maybe we should surprise them and finally enforce those sanctions.